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Interview with Emma Yger, student in the Bachelor degree in International Hotel Management.

Originally from Franche-Comté in France and aged 20, Emma Yger is a student in the 2nd year of the Bachelor in International Hotel Management at Vatel Bordeaux. After graduating with a double baccalaureate in French and Spanish, she decided to join the Vatel Bordeaux school in the French program.

Picture of Emma Yger, student at Vatel Bordeaux in the library of the school.

How is the 2nd year of the Bachelor in International Hotel Management organised?

The second year of the Bachelor in International Hotel Management is divided into two parts: 6 months at school and 6 months on placement. During the 6 months at school, the courses are organised into two parts: 2 weeks of classes and 2 weeks of professional practices.


“Our course days are generally structured from 8am to 6pm, supervised by external passionate and experienced professionals. We alternate between traditional theory sessions and practical work team projects. Moreover, our wine vintage specialisation allows us to offer hands-on wine tasting courses.

In addition, our program offers a diversity of subjects such as management, business and law, marketing, human resources, financial accounting, English, Spanish or German, sustainability (CSR) and computer science.”

Professional practices:

“After completing 2 weeks of courses, we can apply our knowledge over 2 weeks in work placement.

During these in-company placements, we work closely with various partners such as hotels, restaurants, bed and breakfasts, bars, dark kitchens, hostels…

Depending on our preferences, we can carry out these work placements in operational departments (reception, room service, banqueting, polyvalent, breakfast service and housekeeping), or administrative (human resources, events management, marketing, communication, finance).”


” For our second-year internship, we have to do an international internship for a period of 4 to 6 months. We can find it through the offers made by the academic team or through our own personal research.

We have the option of doing an operational or administrative internship, which enables us to extend our skills compared with the 1st year, when we have to stay in the operational field in France for the internship.”

How did your work experience contribute to your Bachelor degree?

“Being at Vatel Bordeaux allows me to combine courses and work experience in the first half of the year and doing an internship in the second half!

On the one hand, I have the courses where I learn all the basics of hotel management, and on the other, I’m placed with professional practices and the internship. Indeed, the variety of professional placement enables us to refine our orientation by discovering the different aspects of the hotel industry and identifying what we really like. As for the internship, it’s the perfect opportunity to meet professionals in the sector and build up a network for the future.

In summary, the constant alternation between school and work experience is a great way to prepare for our future careers in hospitality!

How do you daily participate in student life at Vatel Bordeaux?

“I joined the Student Committee’s communications department when I started my 2nd year, giving concrete expression to my desire to get actively involved in student life and to help with the organisation of events”.

The Student Committee:

“Assisted by Chloé Cassagne, Head of Students Affairs at Vatel Bordeaux, the student Committee is divided into 5 sections:

  • The President’s Office
  • Events and partnerships
  • The humanitarian department
  • Sports
  • Communications

Our goal is to unite students and reinforce the feeling of belonging to Vatel Bordeaux. The student association facilitates the integration of new students by encouraging interaction and providing an environment that encourages students to socialise and forge links with each others. In specific terms, we organise a variety of events, including afterwork, student evenings or humanitarian and sporting events for students.”

Missions of communication department:

“In the Communications Department, our aim is to motivate students by communicating effectively about our projects and promoting our events. We also work to maintain close coordination with the other divisions.

My duties, shared with the other members, include creating visuals for our partnerships, making videos (from filming to broadcasting), and managing our Instagram account.

Alongside our communications activities, we all work together on bigger events such as the Valéliades, where I was in charge of the opening night.”

Involvement in the Student Committee:

“The activity of the student association varies according to the events and actions. We can meet once a month (minimum) or once a week (maximum). As it’s an association with several members, the organisation is flexible depending on our workload and free time.

The nice thing is that it even works within a section, where we organise ourselves so that there’s always one active person per department.

On average, I devote 7 hours a week to the student association outside meetings, although this figure can vary depending on the projects in progress.”

“When it comes to balancing courses, professional practice and the student association, my absolute priority is always the courses. It’s the base on which I’m building my future. However, that doesn’t mean that I forget my commitments to the Student Committee. On the contrary, I find a balance by organising my timetable, and the student association is far from being a heavy load, so it’s easier to devote time to it.

What does the student Committee give you professionally and personally?

Being part of the student association is an extremely enriching and rewarding experience, both professionally and personally.

Personal benefits:

“On a personal level, working in the Student Committee has given me valuable organisational experience. Planning, organising and managing events has given me practical expertise in these areas. It’s also an advantage on my CV, showing my commitment and versatility.

Furthermore, it was by joining the Student Committee that I was able to discover a new passion for communication. Working on a variety of communication projects has inspired me and will probably influence my career choices in the future.  Also, the creative nature of the student association’s projects has stimulated my creativity and my ability to find innovative solutions.

Professional benefits:

“In terms of professional development, being a member of the student association has enabled me to develop significant leadership skills. By taking on responsibilities and leading projects, I’ve been able to hone my team management skills, which will be invaluable in my future career. In addition, regular communication with members, students and external partners has strengthened my communication skills, which are essential in any professional context.”

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